What We Believe

The Bible is the inspired Word of God.  We accept is as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine  (2Timothy 3:16).

The New Birth is necessary to all men, and when experienced produces eternal life (John 3:3-5).

Baptism in water by immersion, a commandment of our Lord, and is for believers only as a symbol of what has taken place in one’s life  (Matthew 28:19).

The resurrection of the just and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).

The Baptism and infilling of the Holy Spirit and fire is a gift from God promised to believers with the evidence of speaking in tongues (Mark 16:17; Acts 2).

We believe in Divine healing that Jesus still heals today (Mark 16:18; James 5:14, 15).